Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Healing methods basis of new course

Healing methods from different cultures form the basis of a unique course coming to the Greater Victoria school district.

An Introduction to the Healing Arts, approved by the board of education, should have broad appeal but will have special meaning for Aboriginal students, said board chairman Tom Ferris.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Former PM Martin launches effort to draw more Aboriginals into business

A new pilot program headed by former prime minister Paul Martin will give Aboriginal students more business training so they can help develop their local economies.
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Aboriginal colleges join digital age

EDMONTON - Alberta's aboriginal colleges have joined the digital age, thanks to an infusion of technology that provides the schools online access to their own library collections.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Province invests in future Aboriginal foresters

A $120,000 grant to the University of British Columbia's Faculty of Forestry will help increase Aboriginal enrolment and participation and meet the growing demand for future professional foresters, Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell announced today.
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Deadline to apply is NOVEMBER 14, 2008

All First Nations, Métis or Inuit students currently enrolled in post-secondary studies in business, commerce, science, law, engineering, information technology, education, social work and social sciences, at an accredited Canadian College or University in the 2008/2009 academic year.

contact the Education Department of NAAF
Telephone at 1.800.329.9780
Email at education @ naaf.ca (no spaces)
Download application!